Meet me (virtually) at Quilt n'Things!

Please join us for a free zoom meeting at Quilt n’Things where I’ll be talking about how working with recycled clothes and fabric scraps can lend itself to artistic discoveries. After a short overview about how previous pandemics have impacted artists’ practices, I will share my “pandemic quilt” series and talk about how the past year has impacted my own creative practice. Attendees will engage in thought experiments to explore how daily and perennial occurrences--including but not limited to Covid-19--have impacted them personally. We will ask ourselves: How could we reflect this experience in a quilt without hurting the environment? What research material can we use to find inspiration? Where can we look for help? Click here to register.

Egyptian Coffin Quilt (from the pandemic quilt series, 2020)

Egyptian Coffin Quilt (from the pandemic quilt series, 2020)